The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Blavatsky Lodge Sydney

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2022  National Convention Perth

The Vision and the Way 18 to 25 January 2022 (Members Only)


Stephen McDonald Wed 23 June 1-2 pm

KIRTAN - a Live Event

Geeti & Gyan Wed 16 June 1-2 pm

Wellbeing Living Harmoniously

Gerard Brennan Sat 12 June 2-4 pm (Member's Circle)

Zoroastrian & Ayurvedic Philosophy

Farida Irani Wed 9 June 1-2 pm

From Chaos to Cosmos

Pablo Sender (video) Thurs 3 June 6 - 7.30 pm

Reincarnation in Judaism and Christianity

Dr Ian Ellis Jones Wed 2 June 1-2 pm

Theosophy Raw & Unfiltered

Dara Tatray Wed 26 May 1-2pm (video part 5)

TOS Presents - Spiritual Joy

Venerable Akaliko Bhikku Sat 22 May 2-4 pm

The Chain of Consciousness

Keith Howes Wed 19 May 1-2 pm

Coming to Terms with Pain & Suffering

Pamela Peterson Wed 12 May 1-2 pm

Gardens. Paradise on Earth

Robijn Alexanda Wed 5 May 1-2 pm

Theosophy Raw & Unfiltered

Dara Tatray Wed 28 April 1-2 pm (Video)

Paramahansa Yogananda

Helen Wren and Gary Redfearn Wed 21 April 1-2 pm

Introduction to Theosophy & Meditation

Pablo Sender video 15 April 6 - 7.30 pm


Rae Letting Wed 14 April 1-2 pm

The Twin Powers of Māyā

Dara Tatray Sat 10 April 2-4pm MEMBERS' CIRCLE Blavatsky Lodge Sydney


Robert Hentschel Wed 7 April 1-2 pm


Dr Dara Tatray Wed 31 March 1 pm (video part 3)

Shamanism a TOS Presentation

Kevin Parker Sat 27 March 2-4 pm


Jordan Reed Wed 24 March 1-2 pm

The Times they are a "Changin'

Suzanne May Wed 17 March 1-2 pm

The Significance of a Lodge in the TS

Linda Oliveira MEMBERS CIRCLE Blavatsky Lodge Sat 13 March 2-4 pm

Healing Power of Music

India Jeva 1 pm Wed 10 March

The Festival of the Angels

Simon O'Rourke Wed 3 March 1-2 pm

The Hero's Journey

Gunnel Watkins Wed 24 Feb 1-2 pm

Medicine Buddha Practices

Walter Mason Wed 17 Feb 1 - 2 pm

Theosophy & Psychism

Pedro Oliveira Sat 13 Feb 2-4 pm

Theosophy Raw & Unfiltered

Dara Tatray Wed 10 Feb 1-2 pm (Video)


Stephen McDonald Wed 3 Feb 1-2 pm

Inauguration of National President

Plus 2021 Convention Business Meeting, Sibyl Centre Auditorium, 25 January

Esoteric Teachings

Micheal Gomes 1 pm Wed 25 Nov

Facing Challenges

Pamela Peterson Wed 1pm 18 Nov 2020

Mindfulness to Meditation

Stephen McDonald Sat 14 Nov 2-4 pm Blavatsky Lodge

The Spiritual War Against Selfishness

Pedro Oliveira Wed 11 Nov 1-2 pm

Aphrodite through Art

Robijn Alexanda  Wed 4 Nov1-2 pm


Jeanine Sciacca Wed 28 Oct 2020 1-2 pm

The Diagram of Meditation (video)

Michele Sender Wed 21 October 1-2 pm

Members' Circle

Mary Masselos Sat 10 October 2-4 pm

Astrology 2020

Marie McArdle 1-2pm Wed 7 Oct 2020

A Theosophical View on Reincarnation

Simon O'Rourke 1-2pm Wed 30 Sept 2020

The Adept Tradition in Europe (video)

Stephan Hoeller 1-2 pm Wed 23 September

Buddhist Meditation

Ven Prof Samdhong Rinpoche Wed 16 September 1 pm (video)

Members' Circle

Gerard Brennan Sat 12 September 2-4 pm

The Ageless Wisdom in Daily Life

Tim Boyd 1-2 pm Wed 9 September 2002 (video)

Crop Circles Documentary (video)

Wed 1-2 pm 2nd September

Shamanic Art

Christina Pateros Wed 1-2pm 26 Aug (video)

A Darker Shade of Gnosis

Richard Larkin Sat 2-4 pm 22 Aug

How to Embrace the Universe

Adam Warcup Wed 1-2 pm 19 Aug 2020 (video)

The Illumined Mind(video)

Pablo Sender Wed 12 Aug 1-2 pm

Birth of H. P. Blavatsky

12 August 1831 – 8 May 1891


Rosanna Sheridan Sat 8 Aug 2-4 pm

Reincarnation (video)

John Algeo Wed 1-2pm 29 July 2020

Daily Life as Spiritual Practice

Ravi Ravindra 1 pm Wed 22 July 2020 video

The Secret Doctrine (video)

Dr Pablo Sender Wed 15 July 1 pm

The Path

Dianne Kynaston Sat 14 March 2-4 pm


Sri M Sat 14 March 11am - 1215pm


Maggie Hamilton Wed 11 March 1pm


Pedro Oliveira Wed 4 March 1pm

The Divine Feminine

Jenny Lee-Robins & Norma Edwards Wed 26 Feb 1 pm 


John Spraggon Sat 22 Feb 2-4 pm

Namaste Diary

Dr Helen Lambert Wed 19 Feb 1 pm


Ian Ellis-Jones Wed 12 Feb 1 pm


Gerard Brennan Sat 8 Feb 2-4 pm

A Lamp in a Windless Place

Linda Oliveira Wed 5 Feb 1pm

Join us for Xmas

Wed 4th Dec 1 pm

St John of the Cross

Eleni Roberts Wed 27 Nov 1 pm


Dr Ben-Zion Weiss Sat 23 Nov 2pm

Loving Kindness

Walter Mason Wed 20th Nov 1 pm

A Shamanic Astrological Approach

Lyndall McQuinn Wed 13th Nov 1 pm

Members' Circle Presents

Lucille Crocker Sat 9 Nov 1400

Pose Your Questions

Various Members Wed 6th Nov 1pm

The Future of Religion

Radha Burnier Wed 30 Oct 1 pm


Ayya Yeshe Sat 26 Oct 2pm

A Volunteer in Adyar Library

Suzanna May 23 Oct 1 pm

The Intuitive Self

Nila Chambers Wed 16 Oct 1 pm

The Third Object

Two speakers Sat 12 Oct 2 pm

Zen Buddhist Aphorisms

Skip Pry Wed 9 Oct 6 pm

Everyone dies but no-one is dead

Skip Pry Wed 9 Oct 3pm & 6 pm

Members' Forum

Various Members Speaking Wed. 2nd Oct 1 pm


Rev. Bill Crews 2 - 4 pm Sat 28th September


Paul Fenton-Smith 1pm Wed 25th September


Robijn Alexanda 1pm Wed 18th September

Members' Circle 

Brotherhood Symposium 2 pm Sat 14th September

His Teachings

Peter Thompson 1pm Wed 11th September

Down to Earth Spirituality

Rabbi Chaim Koncepolski 1 pm Wed 4th September

The I Ching

Robert Hentschel 1pm Wed 28 August


Gerard Brennan Sat 2-4 pm 24th August

Mystery of "The Fall"

Jenny Lee-Robins 1 pm Wed 21 August

I Come as a Brother

Keith Howes, 1 pm Wed., 14th August

Members' Circle Role

Linda & Pedro Oliveira 2pm Sat 10th August

Latent Powers in Human Beings - DVD

Pablo Sender 1pm Wed 7th August

Past Lives Unveiled

Barry Eaton 1 pm 31st July Sydney

Theosophical Order of Service

The Veil of Illusion in Abstract Art Dianne Kynaston 2 pm  27th July Sydney

The Ancient Mystery of Light

George Wadolowski 1 pm 24th July Sydney

The First Fundamental Proposition

Brian Parry 1pm 17th July Sydney

Members' Circle 13 July 2 pm Sydney

Universal Brotherhood, Universal Responsibility: Gerard Brennan

Egypt, Lemuria, Crystals & Angelic Realms

Joseph Ovidi 1 pm 10 July Sydney

Fundamentalism-Facing the Facts

Pamela Peterson 1pm 3 July Sydney

DVD 26 June 1pm Sydney

Freedom—The Ultimate Necessity a talk by Emily Sellon

Theosophical Order of Service: Sydney


Climate Change & The Earth System

Dr Graham Crookham 1pm 19 June Sydney

Human-Animal Partnership

Grażyna Witkowska 1pm 12 June Sydney

Members' Circle 8 June 2 pm Sydney

The Great White Sisterhood Dianne Kynaston

The Power of Thought

Cassandra Au 1 pm 5th June Sydney

Pythagoras and the Spiritual Path

Public talk by Simon O'Rourke 1 pm 29 May, Sydney

Theosophical Order of Service Event

The Lived Spirituality of Kuan Yin Walter Mason 25 May 2 pm Sydney

Next at Blavatsky Lodge Sydney


The Wesak Festival

DVD by Albert Falzon 15 May 1 pm Sydney All welcome

The Great White Sisterhood

Dianne Kynaston 11 May 2 pm Sydney Members only

Healing and the Healer

A public talk by TS President Tim Boyd 8 May 6 pm Sydney

The Four Minds—Tim Boyd live

See Engaged Spirituality in Action 8 May 3 pm Sydney special event

Public talk: Gnosticism Rediscovered

Richard Larkin on the Lost Gospels 1st May 1 pm  Sydney

Ocean of Self

Dr Mark N. Spencer 24 April 1 pm Sydney All welcome

Artists and the Resurrection

Robijn Z. Alexanda 17 April 1 pm  Sydney All welcome

Brotherhood in The Mahatma Letters

Pedro Oliveira 13 April 2 pm Sydney Members Only

Mary Magdalene and Feminine Energy

Martha Heeren 10 April at 1 pm Sydney All welcome

Explore the Legend Delve into the Mystery

Reflections of Shambhala a talk by Dianne Kynaston  1pm April 3 Sydney

Special event coming up

Discover your Relationship with Your Home Kevin Parker 27 April 2 pm

How To Enjoy Death

Alan Marsh public talk 1pm St Leonards all welcome

The Demiurge's Universe

A Survey of Gnosticism by Richard Larkin 2pm 23 March all welcome

Steiner, Krishnamurti and the TS

Public talk by Kelly Connor 20 March 1 pm Sydney

Evolutionary Awakening

13 March Public talk by Peter Thompson 1pm St Leonards

A Journey into the Soul of Cynicism

Public talk Pedro Oliveira 6 March 1pm Sydney all welcome

The Spiritual Call

William Meader talk 6 March 7 pm RETRACTION AND APOLOGY

"The Snark was a Boojum"

John Spraggon on the philosophy of Carroll's Wonderland 2pm Feb 23

The Mysticism of Music

Arjuna Ben-Zion Weiss 20 Feb Sydney at 1pm

The Healing  & Wisdom of our Ancestors

Maggie Hamilton 13 Feb public talk 1pm Sydney

The First Object Revisited

Pamela Peterson 9 February 2pm members only

Pearls of Taoist Wisdom

National President Linda Oliveira 6 February public lecture 1pm, Sydney

Birth of C. Jinarajadasa

16 December 1875 – 18 June 1953

Passing of Mary K. Neff

September 7, 1877 - December 10, 1948

Signs and Symbols in Religious Art

Art visualising the intangibles of faith: Robijn Z Alexanda 5 December 1pm

Today's talk cancelled: severe weather

Mary Magdalene and Feminine Energy will be rescheduled

Glimpses of Beauty and Truth

Gerard Brennan on the Romantic Poets Saturday 24 November 2 to 4.

Exploring the 8 challenges of well-being

Turn your challenges into a breeze with Martine Negro 21 November 1pm

Want to  know how the outer planets influence human consciousness?

Join Marie McArdle for an insight into a subject much on the mind of the author of The Secret Doctrine: 14 Nov 1pm

Character Building

Gloria Yiangou on how we build character: Members' Circle 10 November 2pm

The Muffin Syndrome

Brian Parry on a key teaching in The Voice of the Silence 7 November 1 pm

Sri  Ramana Maharshi

DVD documentary: the life of the Sage of Arunachala 31 October 1pm

Nature Spirits and Re-Sacrilising the Earth

All donations to the Koala Preservation Society Australia for this event; kevin Parker 27 October 2 to 4

White Enlightenment

Paul Longhetti on his journey to awareness: Public talk 24 October 1pm

Alchemy Explored

Don't miss Lyn Woodger Grant 14 October at 1pm

Building Brotherhood

Members' Circle presentation Gerard Brennan 13 October

Alice Bailey and the Tibetan

How to live the teachings today—Judy Norman 10 October all welcome

The Knowledge Problem

Do you think knowledge is not a problem? Explore the subject with Andrew Hilton 3 October 1pm

Birth of Annie Besant

1 October 1847 – 20 September 1933

Getting In Touch With Your Soul

Day Event 29 September $20 including lunch: All Welcome

Heart Sutra

Presentation: Walter Mason 26 September 1pm

I Really Don't Care About Nature Do You?

Keith Howes: TOS Presentation 22 September 2pm

Passing of Annie Besant

1 October 1847 – 20 September 1933

The Wallace Line

Suzanne and Patrick Medway: Public Talk 19 September 1pm

Music For Healing

Victoria Hamilton Boz: 12 September 1 pm All Welcome

Luminous Presence—Attending to the Heart of Life

Marie Bertelle: Members' Circle 8 September 2018

Birth of Mary K. Neff

September 7, 1877 - December 10, 1948

Science of the Buddha's Wisdom

Dr Rulin Xiu: 5 September 1pm all welcome

Quantum Physics of Spirit

Dr Rulin Xiu: 5 September 6.30 pm all welcome

The Extended Mind

Rupert Sheldrake: DVD presentation 29 August 1pm

Annie Besant: Many Lives One Purpose

Pedro Oliveira: TOS Open Circle 2 to 4 August 25

Yoga Upanishads

Presentation: Ruth Perini 22 August 1pm All Welcome

The Magic of Kinesiology

Grazyna Witkowska: Public talk 1pm 15 August all welcome

Passing of George S. Arundale

1 December 1878 — 12 August 1945

Sowing Spiritual Seeds

Members' Circle Presentation and Discussion

Swedenberg's Tour of Heaven

Joe Vandermeer: 8 August 1pm All Welcome

Birth of Hon. Alfred Deakin

3 August 1856 – 7 October 1919

Birth of H. S. Olcott

2 August 1832 – 17 February 1907

Demystifying How To Be

Wednesday Public Talk - 25 Jul 2018

Reflections of The Cosmic Egg in The Human

Wednesday Public Talk - 18 Jul 2018

Nikola Tesla

Wednesday Public Talk - 11 Jul 2018

Birth of T. Subba Row

6 July 1856 – 24 June 1890

Thinking, Evolution and Meditation

Wednesday Public Talk - 4 Jul 2018

From the Edge of Time

Wednesday Public Talk - 27 Jun 2018

Passing of T. Subba Row

6 July 1856 – 24 June 1890


Wednesday Public Talk - 20 Jun 2018

Passing of C. Jinarajadasa

16 December 1875 – 18 June 1953

So You Want to Meet a Mahatma!

Wednesday Public Talk - 6 Jun 2018

Birth of J Krishnamurti

11 May 1895 – 17 February 1986

The Legend of Shangri-la

International Lecturer Michael Gomes

As Above, So Below: Principles of Hermetic Wisdom

International Lecturer Michael Gomes

Birth of William Quan Judge

April 13 1851 – March 21 1896

Passing of Clara Codd

10 October 1876 - 3 April 1971

Birth of Josephine Ransom

March 22 1879 - December 2 1960

Passing of William Quan Judge

April 13 1851 – March 21 1896

Birth of Geoffrey Hodson

12 March 1886 – 23 January 1983

Passing of C. W. Leadbeater

16 February 1854 – 1 March 1934

Passing of Rukmini Devi Arundale

29 February 1904 – 24 February 1986

Adyar Day

17 February

Passing of J Krishnamurti

11 May 1895 – 17 February 1986

Passing of H. S. Olcott

2 August 1832 – 17 February 1907

Birth of C. W. Leadbeater

16 February 1854 – 1 March 1934

Birth of Alfred Percy Sinnett

18 January 1840 – 26 June 1921

Passing of Geoffrey Hodson

12 March 1886 – 23 January 1983

Canyonleigh 2017 November Event

Birth of John Coats

8 July 1906 – 26 December 1979

Passing of N. Sri Ram

15 December 1889 - 8 April 1973

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