The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Blavatsky Lodge Sydney

Australia in 2020 - an Astrological Perspective – Marie McArdle

PUBLIC TALK, 1.00 - 2.00 pm, 7 October 2020.

Featured Speaker:Marie McArdle
Venue:The Blavatsky Lodge

Australia in 2020 from an Astrology Perspective – Marie McArdle

About the Presentation

It is perhaps an understatement to say 2020 has been quite a year. However, while astrology is not a psychic tool, most astrologers leading up to 2020 were able to easily observe and predict that it was going to be something very exceptional.
Just as the striking of a tuning fork or a bell sets a vibration that reverberates to the far reaches of a room, so we will look at the transits to Australia’s chart starting from 1 January 2020 and see how this has set a note that will echo right to the end of the year.
The talk has been prepared so that even if you have little understanding (or little interest) in astrology you will be able to follow the patterns within cycles to better appreciate the road Australia has been on and how the country has navigated the year so far (from an astrological perspective). In addition, we will look at what is in store for the country during the next three months by stopping to inspect some of the signposts along the way and discuss how Australia should best prepare itself.
It is hoped that those who attend the talk will gain a different perspective on what has been happening this year, and how we can plan individually and collectively for what is expected to culminate at the Summer Solstice on 21 December 2020.
"It is a sign of an irrepressible need in humanity to assure itself that there is a power paramount over matter, an occult and mysterious law which governs the world and which we should rather study and closely watch, trying to adapt ourselves to it, than to blindly deny and break our heads against the rock of destiny." [by Helena P. Blavatsky, 'Theosophical Articles', Vol III]

About the Presenter

Marie McArdle has been studying esoteric astrology for over 35 years and considers herself very fortunate to have studied for over ten years with Australia's best astrologer bar none. In the past 20 years, Marie’s approach to reading a chart is to feel the energy emanating from the chart and to then interpret that energy; as if the chart is a living, breathing mandala. This unusual approach was realised by accident when providing an astrology reading to a person in India while explaining to another (an astrology student) how the chart can be interpreted. Marie also has a penchant for looking at patterns and trends within astrological cycles to compare current events with historical ones, which will be the main focus of this talk.

Visitors are very welcome. Donations are appreciated - includes refreshments after the talk. Our large spiritual library is also open (10 - 5 pm) and you are welcome to browse. We also have a small second-hand book sale section.



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