The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Blavatsky Lodge Sydney

The Krishnamurti Experience


explore the teachings with leon horsnell

About the Presentations

Jiddu Krishnamurti was a philosopher, deep thinker, poet, diarist, speaker and amazing teacher to many, despite his unwillingness to take on that mantle. Some of the subjects he addressed in talks around the world spanning the years 1929 to 1986 were the nature of thought and the limitations of thought, psychological revolution or transformation, meditation, the sacred, our relationship to life and to thought and to each other. 

A wealth of material is available on DVD in the form of public talks given at Saanen, Ojai, Madras, Bombay, Brockwood Park England and elsewhere, along with recorded conversations between Krishnamurti and a range of eminent scientists, sages, and public intellectuals. A range of these will be presented at Blavatsky Lodge by Leon Horsnell who will convene the enquiry-based meetings. Leon is a long-time member of Krishnamurti Australia committee and is active at the relatively new Krishnamurti Centre at Summer Hill, Sydney.

Why do we depend? Psychologically, inwardly, we depend on a belief, on a system, on a philosophy, we ask another for a mode of conduct, we seek teachers who will give us a way of life which will lead us to some hope, some happiness. So we are always, are we not, searching for some kind of dependence, security? Is it possible for the mind every to free itself from this sense of dependence? We are not talking of independence, of freedom from a particular state. If we can inquire, without the reaction of seeking freedom from a particular state of dependence, then we can go much more deeply into it. But if we are drawn away at a tangent in search of independence, we shall not understand this whole question of psychological dependence of which we are talking.

 — J. Krishnamurti


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