The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Blavatsky Lodge Sydney



June 2021 Program

Wednesday 2nd – 1:00pm
Reincarnation in Judaism and Christianity – Dr Ian Ellis-Jones
The Bible (both the Old and New Testaments) contains many passages suggesting and/or supporting a belief in reincarnation, despite the attempts made by many traditional Christians to the contrary. The talk will also explore the attitudes and beliefs of Jews at the time of Jesus as well as those of the early Christian Church regarding reincarnation.
Ian is a retired lawyer and lecturer-in-law. An avid student of the Ancient Wisdom, he has been a member of the Theosophical Society and Blavatsky Lodge for almost 30 years.

Wednesday 9th – 1:00pm
Getting Rid of Fear and Anxiety During COVID as per Zoroastrian Philosophy and Using Ayurveda Principles – Farida Irani
The talk will include powerful mantras, pranayamas, the sound vibrations of the Ahunavad mantra equivalent to the Aum to get rid of fear and anxiety during this crisis; sound resonation, predictions made in our ancient text the jamaspi; the haft Ameshaspands and the yazads the archangels, and the occult side of the Zoroastrian philosophy.
Farida is a qualified Ayurveda practitioner, a clinical Aromatherapist, and teacher, Bowen Therapy instructor, a Remedial Therapist and a Reflexologist. She works in a holistic fashion combining her therapeutic skills together with energy-balancing techniques, enhancing the healing process, bringing about a physical, mental and emotional equilibrium, as well as a sense of harmony and well-being.

Saturday 12th – 2:00pm
Members’ Circle – All members welcome
Wellbeing - Living Harmoniously and Giving Wholeheartedly – Gerard Brennan
This talk will examine notions of what really constitutes Wellbeing in our society today and explore finding real balance in life leading to greater fulfilment. Finding that sense of wellness within ourselves amidst the contrasts of life can be very healing, allowing us to experience deeper levels of peace. Giving this back to the world around us quite naturally is an extension of that harmony which flows from the wellspring of the One Life. There will be some discussion, readings and time for quiet reflection.

Wednesday 16th – 1:00pm
The practice and philosophy of Kirtan: a universal language of the heart – Geeti and Gyan
Kirtan is a spiritual practice with its ancient roots in India, involving the call and response of sacred mantras and sounds accompanied by music and rhythm.
As a group practice it provides a powerful opportunity to focus the mind, transform energy and emotion and uplift and expand the heart. It can be successfully practised regardless of whether you feel you can sing or not and whatever your spiritual or cultural background might be.
There will be a brief introduction and overview covering: what kirtan is, its benefits, why it affects us and guidelines for practice. This will be followed by the experience of Kirtan involving the participation of everyone allowing time for reflection. There will be time afterwards for some questions and answers and sharing.

Geeti & Gyan are a Sydney-based couple who love inspiring others to open to their own deep presence & creative expression through the power of sacred song, kirtan, dance, yoga & sound healing. They have a deep love especially of mantra and Kirtan, and their East meets West kirtan style fuses the traditional with the contemporary, & features a variety of instruments including harmonium, guitar, Indian & western drums, manjira, flute, piano & sitar.
Gyan is a trained hatha yoga & meditation teacher & singer-songwriter. Geeti is a Naada Yoga teacher, Soul Motion conscious dance & Kiryuho movement facilitator. Together they offer an innovative fusion of sacred music, mantra & movement as pathways to awakening & celebrating the beauty of the heart. Geeti & Gyan believe these practices not only benefit our personal wellbeing but also that of our families, our society and our mother earth.

Wednesday 23rd – 1:00pm
Walker of the Sky – the Inner Life of J Krishnamurti – Stephen McDonald
J Krishnamurti remains one of the most paradoxical religious figures of the 20th Century. But who or what was he? What was his relationship with Theosophical Society? In his personal account entitled, Krishnamurti’s Notebook, he attempted to describe, in words, something of the deep inner life, which formed part of his daily experience. The unity of all existence was not some theory or philosophy for him – it was his only reality. This audio-visual presentation will examine some aspects of Krishnamurti’s inner experience, which may enhance our understanding of his life’s mission and his message.

Stephen has been an active member of the Theosophical Society since 1976. He is a past President of Blavatsky Lodge, Sydney and was recently elected as National President of the TS in Australia. He has had an enduring interest in the work of J Krishnamurti and Theosophical classics, such as Voice of the Silence and Light on the Path.
For many years, Stephen ran a private clinic as a homeopath and later became a lecturer at Torrens University. He holds a Master of Health Science degree from Newcastle University and a post-graduate qualification in teaching.

Wednesday 30th – 1:00pm
Theosophy Raw and Unfiltered: From the Vedas to the Present
Removing some of the Filters Part 5.
Video presentation by Dr. Dara Tatray, National Secretary of the Theosophical Society in Australia.

July 2021 Program
Saturday 3rd July – Celia Novy Memorial Day 11:00am – 4:00pm
See flyer. Registration is essential. Preference will be given to those registered for the original date. However, they will need to re-register.

Wednesday 7th – 1:00pm
Awakening Now – Peter Thompson
Practical hints and suggestions for putting the great teachings of awakening into practice. (Zen, Advaita, Krishnamurti)
Peter Thompson has studied with many famous spiritual teachers in India, USA, Japan and Australia, the first of whom to influence and guide him were J. Krishnamurti and Vimala Thakar. He first sat Zen Meditation in 1975 as a founding member of Sydney Zen Centre and has been greatly inspired by the Advaita Vedanta path. His interest lies in helping the integration of Zen and Advaita into Christian/Western cultural context. He has a deep commitment to helping to address major modern issues such as the climate change crisis and eco-sustainability, to realign spirituality with the natural world. To this end he has recently initiated the Dharma Gaia Fellowship and AFCAN (Artists for Climate Action Now).
Peter holds an Arts Degree from ANU, majoring in Political Science (Hons) and Law, a Research Masters Degree in Community Counselling (UCAN) and a Diploma of Education. He taught high school for 24 years and is also a qualified professional tennis coach.

Saturday 10th – 2:00pm
Members’ Circle – All members welcome
Sharing Insights - The Living of Theosophy in our Daily Lives
Today we will explore different ways of taking Theosophy and applying it in everyday life. Selected members will be asked to present their experience of applying Theosophy in the daily routine of life. Members will be also encouraged to share their thoughts and feelings during group discussion. Hopefully we will gain some deeper insights into applying theosophical and spiritual ideals to the very places where we live. Music, discussion and moments of quiet contemplation will be a part of the program as we strive to make Theosophy a living power in our lives.

Wednesday 14th – 1:00pm
Why do good people suffer? – Rabbi Chaim Koncepolski
In this talk I hope to present an appropriate theological response on how to confront what is perhaps the most difficult question on faith. Any faith.
Rabbi Koncepolski of Cremorne Synagogue was born in Sydney and moved to Israel when he was 8 years old. After returning to Sydney for a short time around the age of 12, he completed his education at a Yeshiva in Israel, where his two older brothers were studying.
When he was 20, he travelled to Brazil, where his brother was located, to be a shaliach at the Yeshiva where he completed his Rabbinic ordination and assisted with strengthening smaller Jewish communities in Brazil.
With a strong passion for music, he was hired as a cantor for a number of synagogues around the world for high holidays, including Brazil, Florida, Russia and Central Synagogue Sydney. He is competent in Hebrew, Yiddish, Portuguese and English. He and his wife Dina have six children.

Wednesday 21st – 1:00pm
Rosicrucians in the 21st Century – Rick Cobban
Rosicrucians in the 21st Century will briefly outline the fascinating history and contemporary world-wide work of the Rosicrucian Order in the 21st Century.
It will look at the benefits that the Order provides its members and the community. Participants at this talk will gain insights into the nature of the Rosicrucian Order as a school of mysticism and its traditional yet incredibly relevant Teachings, Rituals and Initiatic System and they may also participate in two ancient Rosicrucian mystical exercises during the talk.
Rick Cobban is an author and historian published in five languages. He has been a Rosicrucian student for 38 years and currently serves as a Grand Councillor in the English Language Grand Lodge for Australia, Asia, New Zealand.

Wednesday 26th – 1:00pm
Theosophy Raw and Unfiltered: From the Vedas to the Present
Removing some of the Filters Part 6.
Video presentation by Dr. Dara Tatray, National Secretary of the Theosophical Society in Australia.

Suggested donation for Wednesday afternoon talks: $5.00
For members and those interested in these subjects
The Theosophical Society upholds the right of liberty of thought and expression thereof.
The views and opinions expressed by speakers do not necessarily reflect the views or position of the Theosophical Society.

The Blavatsky Lodge of the Theosophical Society
Suite 8, 599 Pacific Highway, St Leonards / PO Box 319, St Leonards 1590
Phone: (02) 9267 6807
June - July 2021 Courses
Every Wednesday: 10:00am–11:00am – “Sharing Spiritual Awareness”
Study Group, currently reading ‘The Pilgrim on the Path’, by John Algeo.
Co-ordinated by Rosanna Sheridan.

Every Wednesday: 11:10am–12:10pm – “The Mahatma Letters”
The Mahatma Letters are a large series of correspondence between A.P. Sinnett and 
H.P. Blavatsky's Teachers, though some letters were sent to other T.S. members. The Letters contain much of the main core of Theosophical Teachings. The original Letters are now in the British Museum.
Facilitator: Simon O’Rourke

Every Wednesday: 3:00pm – 3:30pm – Meditation with Lucille Crocker

New Course
1st Thursday of the Month: 6:00pm-7:30pm – An Introduction to Theosophy and Meditation
An introductory night for those people who would like to know what theosophy is all about. We will listen to and discuss Pablo Sender’s 16-part video series “Foundation of Theosophy”, and then enjoy a practical meditation session.
Facilitators: Rosanna Sheridan and Lucille Crocker

2nd & 4th Thursdays of the Month: 6:00pm–7:30pm – “The Krishnamurti Experience”
Come and live a Krishnamurti teaching, experience one of his talks and explore with 
Leon Horsnell the DVD viewing.
Facilitator: Leon Horsnell (member of the Krishnamurti Australia committee)

The TOS Open Circle Presents:
Saturday 26 June 2021 at 2.00pm

“Refugee Reality”
Presented by Kathy Herbert
of the
Blue Mountains Refugee Support Group

Their vision is of an openhearted Australia where people seeking refuge and asylum are treated with justice and compassion
All donations to BMRSG

Saturday 24 July 2021 at 2:00pm

“It’s Raining Cats and Dogs”
Presented by Tim Crossman and Sue Barber
S.A.F.E. Animal Rehoming

Tim and Sue will give us an overview of the animal welfare sector and share their experience setting up Sydney’s Animals for Everyone.
All donations to S.A.F.E.

All events are held at Suite 8, 599 Pacific Highway, St. Leonards 2065 (entrance via Albany Street). 

Enquiries: Tel 02 9267 6955, or

All Welcome!!


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