The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Blavatsky Lodge Sydney

National Members Lending Library

for National Members of the TS in Australia

Up to two books may be borrowed at a time for the period of one month, renewable for another month upon request (letter, email, fax or telephone). The only cost involved for the member borrowing books is the return postage. Kindly note that some of the books in this collection are showing signs of age, having been kindly donated by well-meaning members, Lodges and Groups in this Section.

Listing of books available (PDF)

In The Key To Theosophy, (Section 3, p.47) when answering a question regarding how she proposes to carry out the second Object of the Theosophical Society, H.P. Blavatsky responds:

To collect for the library at our head quarters of Adyar, Madras (and by the Fellows of their Branches for their local libraries) all the good works upon the world's religions that we can. To put into written form correct information upon the various ancient philosophies, traditions, and legends, and disseminate the same in such practicable ways as the translation and publication of original works of value, and extracts from commentaries upon the same ...


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