The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Blavatsky Lodge Sydney

At the Feet of the Master

Cost: $8.00

Cost to TS Members: $4.00

an indispensable theosophical classic in the tradition of the vedĀnta

At the Feet of the Master by the young J. Krishnamurti (Alcyone) is the third of three guide books to the practice of the deeper spiritual life, each one reflecting different Eastern traditions: though with the same purport.  First in time was Light on the Path by Mabel Collins, said to be of Egyptian origin. Next came The Voice of the Silence by H.P. Blavatsky, unmistakably Mahāyāna Buddhist in origin. Then, At the Feet of the Master which is as though straight from the Vedānta. Published  by The Theosophical Publishing House, and continuously in print for over a century, these three are "intended for the quickening of the evolution of those who are on the Path' (C.W. Leadbeater Introduction to Light on the Path).


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